The Route to Becoming a Registered Biomedical Scientist
Biomedical Science Degree - The Route to Becoming a Registered BMS
I hope this is clear to everyone that comes across my blog, but I myself am not a registered BMS (biomedical scientist). I aim to be one day, but for now I am just half-way through the first year of my BSc degree. To become a registered biomedical science, there are quite a few steps you need to take. You need to register with the IBMS, complete training and a portfolio and become registered with the HCPC and so on...
At the moment, my future plan looks very similar to the steps I've outlined in the first infographic. However, I'm very keen on trying to get onto the Applied degree route (I'll go into more detail about the different degrees in another pot, but here's just a little information.) If you were to do the Applied route, you would do your first year as a normal degree, but for your second and third years, you would work in a lab and complete the IBMS portfolio whilst studying. This, essentially, saves you loads of time and is a faster way of becoming registered, as you won't have to try and find experience anywhere - you'll be a fully registered BMS when you graduate.
These infographics I made will give you a brief insight into what it is you need to do to become a BMS.
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