About me !

A Student of Biomedical Science Blog - Biomedical Science Blog

As you may have already read, I am a student studying a BSc degree in Biomedical Science in the UK - more specifically, in Liverpool. At the time of writing this post, I am a student in my first year and I've just completed semester 1, so I'm heading into my second semester this January.

My name is Lucy, and although I'm studying in Liverpool, I'm originally from Wales. In addition to science and healthcare, I have interests in writing (which is one reasons I've started writing a blog), stand-up comedy (although I don't do it myself - I just enjoy watching it) and walking, hiking and cooking.
I started studying my degree in September 2020, which was quite 'unfortunate' timing, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It hasn't been a great year so far, as we've been in and out of lockdown and have had so many restrictions in place. I've mainly spent the first semester stuck in my flat, which wasn't too bad, but I'm hoping this year will be better. 

I've really enjoyed this semester's content, and it was really interesting. It wasn't too different to what I studied at A-level, but this is just because the universities generally want all students to be caught up to the same level before the content starts to get challenging. I will talk more about the year so far and how I came to study biomedical science in further blogposts. Because of the coronavirus, all my lectures for this first semester were either live on Zoom or pre-recorded. I did have the opportunity to do some practical's in the labs which was very exciting, as I'd never been in a proper lab before. I'll also be speaking more about the labs and what type of stuff I do in future posts - so stick around!
