How I Study As A Biomedical Science Student

How I Study As A Biomedical Science Student The one thing I was quite apprehensive about before starting my course were the type of assessments I'd get and if I'd be able to study for them properly. I had completed my GCSEs and done well in those and had completed my AS levels and done fairly well in them too - but I'd never got the chance to do A Level exams. I had been studying consistently throughout the year in preparation for the exams, but they never happened, so I was nervous because I wasn't sure how effective my studying methods were. When the time did come for me to have my exams, I wasn't actually that worried - because they were all open-book due to COVID! This meant that I had to do the exams from my laptop at home and was allowed to look at my notes whilst completing the exam. I feel that this was a blessing but also a curse, because on the one hand it meant that I'd probably get good results because I had the answers right there in front of me, b...